Sunday 18 January 2015

This year's challenge and apple cinnamon sourdough scroll

So my cupboards are full. So full that when I took out the bread machine to make bread, the gap got filled with more stuff and now I can't put the bread machine back in the cupboard. It has become evident that I need to get rid of some of the food that is filling up my cupboards. Now I have two problems, I hate throwing away food (it is such a waste) and I hate running out of stuff (what if I really need that debittered soy flour urgently?) so it is really difficult for me to get rid of stuff AND not replace it but that is what I need to do (if I haven't used the debittered soy flour in the 3 months that I've had it do it really need to hold onto it?). So this is my challenge for this year- de-clutter my cupboards by using up all of the stuff in them. I am going to pick an ingredient at random, make something out of it and share the recipe with you. I foresee a lot of sourdough recipes and a bunch of gluten free stuff maybe even gluten free sourdough. 

This week my partner chose the ingredient and it happened to be drum roll please....Dried apples! Yay! I can totally work with that! So today I am making a apple and cinnamon sourdough scroll loaf. This loaf is so delicious, it is moist, the crumb is very tender and it is wonderful eaten on it's own or toasted and slathered with butter. The walnuts add a nice crispy texture in between the lovely soft bread. Mmmmm!

Oooooohhhhhh yum!

This bread requires you have an active sourdough starter. If you do not have one you can make your own or buy one here. I ended up buying one as after I killed my first starter, I just could never get one to grow again. 
My trusty starter...

Let's get into the recipe...

Apple cinnamon sourdough scroll 

For the dough:
200 g fed sourdough starter, 100% hydration (100% hydration means that it is fed the same amount of flour as water)
350 g baker's flour
200 g milk
20 g sugar
1 tsp salt
75 g butter, chopped
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

For the filling:
115 g dried apples
115 g walnuts
1 tsp ground cinnamon
100 g brown sugar


1. Heat the butter and milk over medium heat just until butter has melted. Set aside to cool to lukewarm.

Heating the milk and butter

2. Place, starter, flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl and stir to combine. Add the milk and butter mixture and mix together with a wooden spoon.

Ready to go!

3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for around 10 mins until you have a smooth dough. You can do this step in a stand mixer and mix on med-high for 5 mins.

4. Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover and let rise for 3-5 hours. it will not rise much but you will notice that it has puffed up. 

Rise little dough ball, rise!

5. Pour boiling water over the dried apples and let soak for 5-10 minutes. Drain and dice. 

Soaking the apples

6. Mix apples, walnuts, cinnamon and brown sugar. 

The filling ready to go...

7. Take the dough and fold it over itself to gently deflate it. Roll it out into a rectangle on a floured surface. The short side of the rectangle should be long enough to easily fit into your loaf pan.

It doesn't have to be perfect... 

8. Spread the apple mixture over the dough and gently roll up into a log. Pull the top part of the dough over the spiral to seal it up.

Try to spread it evenly.

It's a log!

Mmmm... spirally... 

Not so spirally any more... 

9. Place into your lightly greased loaf pan, cover with glad wrap and allow to rise for 2-3 hours. A good place for this is in the microwave with the door ajar. 

Beginning of second rise.

End of second rise.

10. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celcius.
11. Remove plastic wrap from your loaf and score the top of your loaf with a sharp knife.

Scored and ready for the oven.

12. Cook in oven for 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Allow to cool in the pan until it reaches room temperature.


13. Enjoy as is or with butter- yummo!

It's swirly inside!

Mmmm! Buttery goodness!

What's your favourite thing to make with dried apples?

Apple cinnamon sourdough scroll 

For the dough:
200 g fed sourdough starter, 100% hydration (100% hydration means that it is fed the same amount of flour as water)
350 g baker's flour
200 g milk
20 g sugar
1 tsp salt
75 g butter, chopped
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

For the filling:
115 g dried apples
115 g walnuts
1 tsp ground cinnamon
100 g brown sugar


1. Heat the butter and milk over medium heat just until butter has melted. Set aside to cool to lukewarm.
2. Place, starter, flour, sugar, salt and cinnamon in a large bowl and stir to combine. Add the milk and butter mixture and mix together with a wooden spoon.
3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for around 10 mins until you have a smooth dough. You can do this step in a stand mixer and mix on med-high for 5 mins.
4. Place the dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover and let rise for 3-5 hours. it will not rise much but you will notice that it has puffed up. 
5. Pour boiling water over the dried apples and let soak for 5-10 minutes. Drain and dice. 
6. Mix apples, walnuts, cinnamon and brown sugar. 
7. Take the dough and fold it over itself to gently deflate it. Roll it out into a rectangle on a floured surface. The short side of the rectangle should be long enough to easily fit into your loaf pan.
8. Spread the apple mixture over the dough and gently roll up into a log. Pull the top part of the dough over the spiral to seal it up.
9. Place into your lightly greased loaf pan, cover with glad wrap and allow to rise for 2-3 hours. A good place for this is in the microwave with the door ajar. 
10. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees celcius.
11. Remove plastic wrap from your loaf and score the top of your loaf with a sharp knife.
12. Cook in oven for 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
13. Enjoy as is or with butter- yummo!